Disqualification Criteria for Councillors Consultation Response (DCLG)
December 2017
In September 2017, DCLG launched a consultation paper setting out the government's proposals for updating the criteria disqualifying individuals from being elected, or holding office, as a local authority member or directly elected mayor. MWNUK reponded to the consultation. Our comments included questioning why the focus of the Consultation had been placed only on sexual offences and anti-social behaviour and had not included other criminal and civil orders that an individual may be subject to such as forced marriage protection orders, female genital mutilation protection orders, non-molestation orders, prohibited steps orders and harassment injunctions under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. We urged DCLG to expand the current criteria to take these into account and pursue a zero tolerance approach to all forms of violence against women and children. We also provided an example of where MWNUK had formally lodged a complaint against a councillor due to his denial that domestic violence and forced marriage exists in Muslim communities and no action was taken by the political party. Our report can be downloaded above. |