MWN-UK works within a framework of human rights, justice and Islamic feminism. We aim to be member focused, inclusive and accountable in all that we do. We are committed to gender equality and value diversity. We are independent from all established political, governmental and religious institutions. We recognise that networks provide a mechanism for sharing knowledge, raising the profile of individuals, organisations and issues, and influencing policy and attitudes, and for building a critical mass of voices.

We therefore have 5 core principles that underpin our work and are at the heart of everything we do.

Value 1

We are a Muslim women's movement that is inspired by the Quran's spirit of equality and justice to challenge human interpretations (based on culture and tradition) that discriminate against women and girls, to achieve equal rights and opportunities.

Value 2

We uncover and tackle uncomfortable truths fearlessly, honestly and independently by taking action, which is always in the interests of Muslim women and girls.

Value 3

We are informed by the voices and lived experiences of Muslim women and girls.

Value 4

We bring about real change through innovative thinking and doing, which positively affects the treatment of Muslim women and girls.

Value 5

We demonstrate our inclusivity and non-judgmental stance throughout our policies, procedures and our work.


Help us to improve social justice and equality for women and girls

Our Supporters

Our Current Funders


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