Who are Our Members?
Our members are mainly Muslim women living in the UK while our non-Muslim members work with or on behalf of Muslim women and girls or are simple interested in supporting their rights. Our membership is diverse in in terms of ethnicity, age, religious background (including religious sect), lifestyles, sexual orientation, geographic location and different employment sectors. Members also include men who wish to support and champion women's rights.  As our members are onwardly connected to other Muslim women, we collectively (through our membership) have a reach of tens of thousands of women.

Why Become a Member?

The more people that are involved, the more information and knowledge can be shared.  So become a member and help us create a critical mass of voices that is a part of a movement to bring about change in local communities, policies and wider society.

If you become a member, you will:
  • Be invited to participate in MWNUK workshops and meetings.
  • Be consulted on your views on issues that not only affect Muslim women but the Muslim community as a whole which can then be forward to Government and other public bodies.
  • Receive a monthly newsletter keeping you up to date with our activities, news, consultations, events and other interesting information.
  • Kept informed via email about anything relevant to Muslim women and girls.
  • Be invited to attend MWNUK's Annual General Meeting at which you can help shape our priorities and its institutional development.
  • Have opportunity to collaborate with us on ideas and projects e.g. we have partnered with members to hold events.
  • Have opportunity to network, share knowledge, skills and good practice with Muslim women's groups across the UK.

Help us to improve social justice and equality for women and girls

Our Supporters

Our Current Funders


To view our all current and previous funders click here.