Legal Aid Consultation Response (MoJ)

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June 2013
June 2013

MWNUK responded to the government consultation on cuts to the 2bn legal aid budget.  We raised concerns that the proposals are going to exclude those most at need taking legal aid away from perhaps the most vulnerable of individuals who may need it the most.   We warned that instead of assisting such victims, the proposals may hinder them further into silence.  We also raised concerns that discrimination cases are being removed from the scope of legal aid for prisoners, which is surprising considering the numbers of prisoners from a BME background and with learning difficulties / disabilities.  The minimum residency requirement for accessing legal aid was also highlighted as a concern as it may impact forced marriage cases, especially when victims are taken abroad for a long period of time.  We also said that victims of domestic violence may become especially reluctant to report a crime or even seek protection where their immigration status is unsettled.

Our full response can be downloaded above.

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