MWN Helpline Evaluation 2020

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June 2021
Muslim Women's Network UK set up a national faith and culturally sensitive service in January 2015. This evaluation if for year 6 of the helpline operate January to December 2020. The impact of Covid is also included in this report such as on helpline operations and nature of calls. Although the full report can be down loaded above.  Key kinds included:

  • We received 3124 contacts (phone, email, texts etc) and there were 1261 beneficiaries
  • We were contacted about 43 different issues
  • Top 5 issues included mental health, domestic abuse, divorce, housing / homelessness, and faith / spirituality
  • Other significant issues included marriage, relationships, money / finance, isolation / loneliness, children / custody and covid related enquiries. 
  • Compared with previous year (2019) - domestic abuse calls rose by 16% and mental health calls increased and was the top issue that people called about with calls about isolation / loneliness also contributing to poor mental health
  • Most (71%) contacted helpline about themselves
  • Third sector and professionals (11%) and friends / family (9%) also called on behalf of others    
  • Where we had information about marriage status, 25% of those callers were in nikah only marriages, which are not legally recognised.
  • 46% of the callers also had a second underlying issue in addition to the primary reason for calling helpline
  • 22% of the callers were experiencing three issues for which they needed help and advice
  • 10% of callers had an insecure immigration status
  • In 26% of calls the police were involved and in 14% of these the helpline involved the police
  • In 15% of calls the social services were involved and in 30% of these the helpline involved them
  • Although calls were received from over 60s and under 18s most callers were in their 20s, 30s and 40s
  • The ethnic background of the callers varied but those of Pakistani background were the largest group
  • The callers were from across the country with most from London and West Midlands
  • Contact via email / web-chat increased due to Covid

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