MWN Helpline Evaluation 2018
April 2019
Muslim Women's Network UK set up a national faith and culturally sensitive service in January 2015. This evaluation if for year 4 of the helpline operate January to December 2018. Although the full report can be down loaded above. Key kinds included: We received 3626 contacts (phone, email, texts etc) and there were 931 beneficiaries • We were contacted about 44 different issues • Top five issues included domestic abuse, mental health, relationships, divorce, marriage • Other significant issues included housing / homelessness, faith / spirituality, isolation / loneliness, and money / finance, immigration, forced marriage and honour based based abuse • Most (75%) contacted helpline about themselves • Third sector and professionals (10%) and friends / family (11%) also called on behalf of others • 66% of the callers also had a second underlying issue in addition to the primary reason for calling helpline • 29% of the callers were experiencing three issues for which they needed help and advice • In 21% of calls the police were involved and in one tenth of these the helpline involved the police • In 14% of calls the social services were involved and in 13% of these the helpline involved them • Although calls were received from over 60s and under 18s most callers were in their 20s, 30s and 40s • The ethnic background of the callers varied but those of Pakistani background were the largest group • The callers were from across the country with most from London and West Midlands |