Integrated Communities Consultation Response (DHCLG)

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June 2018
Government Department of Housing, Communities & Local Government published the 'Integrated Communities Strategy green paper,' which set out a programme of actions on addressing integration challenges. The government is therefore sought views on it's vision for building strong integrated communities where people – whatever their background – live, work, learn and socialise together, based on shared rights, responsibilities and opportunities.

We have responded to the consultation via an online questionnaire on 5th June 2018. However, we have summarised our responses in the report that can be downloaded here. Some of our key points / recommendations included:

  • Challenging the government's definition of integration and questioned why it is only putting the onus on minority communities to take action to integrate
  • Highlighted the role that successive governments have played in making integration harder due to their austerity policies and measures
  • Local authorities and public sector institutions either not carrying out equality impact assessments or not carrying them out robustly enough resulting in their policies and actions making integration harder
  • Focussing efforts to strengthen leadership on women as they are often the forces of change in communities
  • Challenged the government's concept of British values highlighting its flaws and how it will only polarise minority and majority communities
  • Information packages on rights and responsibilities should not only be given to minority communities - majority communities should also be reminded of their rights and responsibilities
  • New schools having mixed catchment areas to ensure pupils of different backgrounds should be under the control of local authorities
  • Public buildings that are transferred to local groups through community asset transfer should be given to women’s groups with criteria attached that access to it ensures inclusivity
  • More to be done to tackle one key barrier to economic inactivity and therefore integration - discrimination and child care costs
  • More funding to support niche services to support women to access their rights


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