Out of School Education Settings Consultation Response (DoE)
January 2016
On the 26th November 2015, the Government Department of Education launched a consultation about introducing a new system for registering and inspecting out-of-school education settings that provide intensive tuition, training or instruction to children. This applies to any institution providing tuition, training or instruction to children aged under 19 in England that is not a school, college, 16-19 academy or registered childcare provider. For example, it would apply to religious institutions, hiring out of premises or using homes to teach significant numbers of children for core curriculum subjects or religious studies. The deadline for the response was 11th January 2016. This is the response of MWNUK to the government's call for evidence. Although this can apply to a range of settings, our response will focus on settings that teach Quran / religion within Muslim communities. Despite a few concerns, which we have highlighted, in general we are in agreement with the proposed measures. The government has a duty to safeguard and protect all children and not just those who are in schools and colleges. Children receiving tuition in other settings outside school have been over looked for too long. The absence of checks and balances of such settings poses safeguarding risks. The full report can be downloaded above. |