Prosecuting Domestic Violence Cases Consultation Response (CPS)

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July 2014
July 2014

The Crown Prosecution Service is currently consulting on Draft Guidelines for the Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases.   These guidelines will provide assistance to decision makers and professionals during prosecutions of domestic violence.  The deadline for responses was 9th July 2014.  Muslim Women's Network UK responded to this consultation so that needs of Muslim women are considered in the new guidelines.  We highlighted a number of issues that included: women whose immigration status is settled but are subjected to violence being particularly vulnerable and even being revictimised by those who should be helping them; men whose immigration status has not been settled and subject their spouses to violence including pressuring them not to report abuse until it is settled; victim being abused by several members of the family;  mental health issues due to abuse; witnesses within family; sensitivity around prosecuting barristers being friendly with defence barristers; spirit possession etc.  Our full response can be downloaded above.

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