Notice of MWNUK AGM and Proposed Special Resolution


Dear Member,



Notice is hereby given that a general meeting ("General Meeting") of Muslim Women's Network UK will be held at its registered office at Portcullis House, Bridge Street, London, SW1A 2LW on Tuesday 11th October 2016 at 11.00am for the purposes of:


(1)  Holding an annual general meeting ('AGM') in accordance with Article 14(2) of the current Articles of Association, and

(2)  Considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions as special resolutions.




Muslim Women's Network UK resolves that:


(1)   Article 29 of the current Articles of Association is amended so that the minimum number of directors shall be 3 and the maximum shall be 7.


(2)   Article 42(1) of the current Articles of Association is amended so that (for the purposes of implementation of Article 42), a vote of no confidence has been brought by 15 or more members.


(3)   It alters its Articles of Association in the entirety in that it adopts the new set of Articles of Association as found here to this resolution in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, any Articles of Association of the company previously registered with the Registrar of Companies.



1. Pursuant to Article 61(1) of the current Articles of Association, Muslim Women's Network UK specifies that only those members approved by the Directors and registered in the relevant database as of Monday 19th September at 11.00am shall be entitled to attend or vote at the aforesaid general meeting in respect of the membership registered in their name at that time. Changes to entries on the relevant database after Monday 19th September at 11.00am shall be disregarded in determining the rights of any person to attend or vote at the meeting.


2. In accordance with section 324 of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 23 of the current Articles of Association, a member is entitled to appoint another person in proxy to exercise all or any of the member's rights to attend and to speak and vote at the General Meeting. A proxy need not be a member but must attend the meeting to represent the member. The appointment of a proxy will only be accepted if it is communicated in writing in the form of a letter addressed to the Board of Directors together with a signature and received at the registered office in person, by post, by fax or other electronic communication at least seven days before the aforesaid general meeting. A copy of the letter must be brought by the proxy at the aforesaid general meeting.  


3. This notice has been sent through electronic means in accordance with Article 57 of the current Articles of Association in the interests of conservation of the environment. A copy of this notice is available for inspection at Muslim Women's Network UK's registered office and on its website found here. Copies of this notice are available in large print. If you would like a hard copy, or a copy in large print, please contact Faeeza Vaid, Executive Director at the registered office or by email:


4. A copy of the new proposed Articles of Association, in relation to the proposed Special Resolution No. 3, is available for inspection at Muslim Women's Network UK's registered office (The Warehouse, 54-57 Allison Street, Birmingham, B5 5TH) or on its website found here . Copies of the new proposed Articles of Association are available in large print. If you would like a hard copy, or a copy in large print, please contact Faeeza Vaid, Executive Director at the registered office or by email:


6. Any electronic communication sent by a member that is found to contain a computer virus will not be accepted.


On behalf of the Board,





Shaista Gohir




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