Letter to PM (Main Barriers to Muslim Women Participation in Britain)
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NEWSNIGHT EXCLUSIVE Muslim women tell Newsnight reporter Katie Razzall how they are systematically 'stopped' from becoming Labour councillors. Click here to download full article. We have today emailed (with a copy in the post) this public letter raising concerns to the Prime Minister about how Muslim and other BME women are routinely and systematically marginalised and even silenced by local councillors. We have also written to the Leader of the Labour Party and will also be writing to the Liberal Democrats. The letter to Mr. Corbyn can be viewed here. We hope that the Prime Minister will launch a cross party investigation to look at how BME women are marginalised by local male politicians from their communities. We are grateful for BBC Newsnight for helping us to highlight this very important issue and hope this will now initiate a wider debate and more women will have the confidence to come forward and share their stories. The full letter can be downloaded above. |