Muslim Women’s Experiences of the Criminal Justice System (Executive Summary)

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June 2019
Muslim women constitute one of the most disadvantaged groups in British society. They often experience inequalities from the gender roles expected of them, and behaviours rooted in honour culture. There is an intense pressure to conform and suffer in silence. Thus, when Muslim women are able to find the courage to report abuse to the police, they are taking a colossal step. If they then receive a poor service, it can disempower and deter them and others from making further reports continuing with any reports made to the police or from making future reports or dropping cases before they reach the court's door. The result of this can be Muslim women not getting justice and the perpetrators not being held accountable. This may also embolden perpetrators, leading to an increase in the abuse inflicted on the victim or even an increase in the number of victims. The consequences of an inadequate service can sometimes also be fatal.

Cases were therefore  identified from the helpline database where Muslim female service users had come into contact with criminal justice institutions such as the police, crown prosecution service or judiciary and the responses they received were insufficient or inadequate. These cases are analysed of examined for how the criminal justice system responds to Muslim women who have been victims of violence and abuse and whether they are 'getting justice' and what factors are contributing to any 'justice gap.'

The Executive Summary can be downloaded here (above).

And the full report can be downloaded here

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